Sunday 21 March 2010

The one where Autumn and Tyler hang out with me downtown.

We all have a story. Sometimes those stories are love stories. The intersting thing about love stories, is that we all think there's never been a story, a love like ours. Nobody, we think, could be as in love as you are
 I guess, that's true really. We are all different. We are all unique and our love stories, well, they are too and nobody can be as in love as you are.   And as I go around, meeting the world, meeting these couples, I think every time that there isn't a love like this. Thank goodness. If every love was the same, I'd be bored very quickly.
Autumn and Tyler have a story. A story that settled inside of me because it's a story I can relate too. It's a story that reminds me that there things bigger than us. Some call it fate, or destiny, I call it God.
Of course I asked Autumn and Tyler how they met. I like a good story.  Autumn tells me for awhile she was in Florida undergoing cancer treatments and Tyler was in Florida at the same time workings as  musical pastor at a church. And  badda bing, they meet.  You see, here's what I believe. Sometimes things happen to us, big giant things and sometimes they aren't always the best thing, but God puts in you places, in situations and  gives you things for a reason.  Autumn and I chatted about it for a minute, but sometimes scary health/life situations are a gift.  I can say that and I can believe that because I know.  It's easy to feel defeated sometimes, and sometimes you can wonder why God trusts you so much to give you such a big  task, and sometimes you think it's not fair.  But when you come out of the other side things and you're better for it. Stronger for it.  God can make you courageous when no one else and nothing else can and if you just lean on Him, just trust in Him you are rewarded.
I'm not going to go into my whole story, but I was told 7 years ago if I didn't have a heart transplant, I wouldn't be here by the time I'm thirty.   I'm thirty now and there is no stopping me. Why? Because along time ago I gave this to God because he's big enough to carry it and I am not.  Seriously. I'm not going to live forever, but none of us are. I'm just going to go where God leads me, and so far, that's been many great places. He's lead me here.  It's not always easy. That's a scary thing to hear when you're 23 and just starting out in life. It's not always easy and the world doesn't rotate around fair.  It's not always easy, but it's doable.  I'm sure Autumn knows all about that too. She's been there she's done, and now she gets to have this amazing life with Tyler. Very, very cool!
I say all this to remind you that while we don't always understand why, there is an answer, there is a reason. Even in the bad there are gifts. Delightful, wonderful gifts.   I fully believe what  I've been through has made me a better person. It gave me strength to move 2,300 miles from home and attend photography school and wouldn't you know it, while I was there I met the love of my life too!
Autumn and Tyler, thank you for yesterday and thank you for sharing your story with me. You both are amazing and I had a great, great time with you.  Thanks for reminding me of the bigger things in life and  for being thankful for the good things!


christy 22 March 2010 at 06:15  

Amazing story. Amazing photographs. AMAZING. Love, love, love the fence shot and the forehead shot. Best of lucky Autum + Tyler!

LisaW 22 March 2010 at 11:05  

Awesome story! I love true!

sarah east 22 March 2010 at 14:47  

Amen! This story just made my day! God is AMAZING, and does absolutely wonderful things with our lives. Sometimes we just have to wait for the clouds to clear to see the sunshine. Such an inspirational story and beautiful images! I love the eye shot, and all the others. Beautiful, beautiful!

Jenny 23 March 2010 at 21:02  

I actually know autumn, very well as a matter of fact and unfortunately haven't had the pleasure of meeting Tyler yet.
For those of you who don't know autumn, she is amazing, one of the best friends you could ever have and I am so happy that God put Tyler in her life when he did because she needed it and she deserved it! Autumn your pictures are so pretty, i love them!

Jessica Gardner 1 April 2010 at 11:33  

this story really blessed me, and your testimony Mandy is remarkable! I had no idea what you had been through,you are such a inspiration to me and to other as well! Your presence makes the atomsphere around you a better place!!! You are such a strong person, and very very funny and awesome to be around! Thanks so much for agreeing to do our wedding, we are really looking forward to sharing our special day in October with you behind the lense =)!!!!

Mandy 3 April 2010 at 09:26  

Thanks everyone. They were fantastic people and their story was fantastic too!

Thank you for the kind words :) I can't wait to spend the day with you guys either! It's going to be a great day because you guys are great! :)

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