Monday, 29 December 2008

In front of the lens ....... I DO!

Last week, I headed to Princeton to photograph Mandy and Gilbert as they said, "I DO."

While editing these photographs, I have been just as emotional as I was during the wedding. I learned it's hard to take pictures while you are crying and smiling at the same time. ;) There is something very honest and alive about Mandy and Gilbert's relationship and it shines through them and it's lovely to look through the pictures and see it.
It's been hard to pick out a favorite picture from that day because there are just so many that I have fallen in love with. As you can see, I had a hard time narrowing down what to post today. The very first image took place during Mandy and Gilbert's private session downtown. A lady from one of the shops had seen us shooting, and came out twice and threw rice at them. It was something I'll never forget and I can't help to imagine that they wont' either.


A. Reed 31 December 2008 at 16:24  

im so in love with those bridesmaid dresses and shoes fabulous!

Anonymous 4 January 2009 at 17:18  

I could not help but notice the "WV Recycling" sign in the first picture. I'll have to have one of those if I ever get married again....

Mandy 5 January 2009 at 19:39  

Amanda, I know! How lucky were those red shoes. I think the brides sisters made those dresses. They were a talented bunch. I could only imagine what would happen if some one let me loose with a sewing machine and fabric.

That sign, it's in the mail!

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All images are copyright protected & all rights reserved by Pixel Pixie Photography.
No stealing please - it's illegal!

Also thanks to Holly for the wonderful

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