Wednesday, 24 February 2010

The one where I wish away the snow and give you an update.

I've wished away snow. Sorry, it's not worked....yet! I'll keep praying for that magic where I can tell the weather what to do (attention:don't hold your breath as this is highly unlikely to happen).  Oh well, I was gifted some tulips the other day, so, I pretend it was spring, just spring inside my house and all contained in a tin cup. 

Anyway, I just wanted to give you  a glimpse of spring and  the hope of warmer days to come. Also, I wanted to update you on the Spring schedule. Saturday sessions for March are getting slim, all Saturday sessions for April are gone, and May Saturdays are fading.  Weekends are always prime real estate and they are the first to go. Seniors, don't forget that graduation is just a couple of months away! I know I don't have to   
                                                                                remind you because I'm sure you have the days   
                                                               marked on your calenders ;)


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