Monday, 18 January 2010

The one where I make my shout outs.......

Can it be so? 2010, and I have yet to speak with you?  Wow. It's been a pretty cool year so far. As you can see Pixel Pixie has undergone some amazing changes.  Both the website and the blog have undergone a face lift and I think they both look AMAZING!  To start with  Tiffany over at created for me a wonderful logo that I adore.  She was amazing to work with and the whole design process was organic. Things just had a way of coming together wonderfully and I can dig on that!  Then on of my favorite people in the universe, Christy Janeczko, went to work on my blog, and I love it. She always comes up with great things for me. Not only is she a wonderful photographer, but she can get pretty creative on, well, just about everything. She is my go to woman. I still think she should do this photography/design thing all the time. I'd be her number one customer ;)  I also want to send a thank you to Holly over at for allowing me use one of her designs for the background on the website and the blog.  I don't think I could ever ask for anything as awesome as that.

I've also been working on adding new products to the line this year and I think you're going to love them. In fact I've added a lot of things this year. I've started offering a few packages and if you choose to purchase one, I don't think you'll be sorry.  Still don't want a tighter package? Don't worry, I still offer the al la carte system. I think everyone's going to come out happy in the end. 

I'm gearing up and getting excited for up and coming snow portraits. We're just waiting on the next big snow. I hate to say, even after these feet of snow we've gotten,  I'm excited for the next big snow storm.! I love winter and I love snow! I like the slow down it brings. I love the quiet it creates.  I just like it better when it makes everything beautiful and doesn't hang around for a month like it currently has! It's strange to think about how fast January is moving and that spring will be here in a blink of an eye. Which reminds me, I need to remind you if you are wanting to book a spring session, the sooner the better. I've been booking sessions already for the spring and summer.  So book soon. I'd hate to miss out on meeting you.

So I guess that's about all for today. I'm going to leave you with this though, today a year ago, the love of my life passed away. Today, like most days, I'm thinking about him and I'm reminded that life goes fast.  And coming on the heels of what happened in Hati, I'm reminded even more. I guess what I want to say, is go tell the ones you love how much you love them.   I haven't forgotten what I wrote about in the previous post.  I'm going to spend these days thankful for the time that I had Nic(because he always tried to reminded me to enjoy the here and the now) and I'm going to be thankful for who I have in my life now and what I do have. I think we are often more lucky and more blessed than we realize. Until next time.....


Anonymous 18 January 2010 at 18:27  

Soo, I just have to say that when the next big snow storm comes.. I call dibs on beaming your brother with snow balls like in today's session. I thought the pictures turned out very well... there were some I'm not fond of, but that's due to personal criticism of not being photogenic <3 Love you, Love the pics, and I will see you soon. - Tabby

christy 19 January 2010 at 17:29  

Thanks for the shout out, and as always thinking of you :)

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No stealing please - it's illegal!

Also thanks to Holly for the wonderful

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