Sunday, 6 September 2009

Jeanette & J.J.

About an hour ago, it became clear to me that I would not be going to sleep anytime soon. At least I get to edit pictures when I get these bouts of insomnia(which I think is also part of a photographers job description). Anyway to make editing even better, I get to edit wedding pictures. Three points for me and about a million for Jeanette and J.J. Saturday, they both said I do in Rainelle. Jeanette's dress was amazing and I said horrible things ;) to J.J. but it was worth it, I swear.
I hear at weddings "every thing was simple and very intimate, just like it should be". And I always am thankful for both of those things, but I can't help but think that these things are never fully simple. When you are behind the scenes you see the phenomenal amount of work and planning that goes into days like these, but they always, ALWAYS seem to work out beautifully every single time.
I'm always thankful and touched, when I'm asked to photograph a wedding. Delving into these images tonight, I love being able to see this story of Jeanette and J.J.'s day unfold just as it was meant to. I'll stop rambling now and get to the images. The other thing about insomnia, is it makes you become long winded when you are blogging sneak peeks. Thanks guys for a wonderful day and Congratulations!


sarah east 8 September 2009 at 17:58  

Wow! What amazing pictures. I love them! And I totally agree with you about the insomnia thing, it's our favorite thing to hate.

Annie 15 September 2009 at 22:44  

Awesome photos, Mandy. I love the bridal party shots. It's SO hard to do those and you really rocked them!

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