Sunday, 23 August 2009

Oh baby.

Baby sessions are the worst. ;) I say that meaning, everything they do is cute and I have a heck of a time trying to figure out what sneak peeks I want to show you. Trust me, there are only a million more I decided to leave out. Five years ago, almost to the day, my aunt brought her grand baby, Madison, to our house so we could take a picture of her in front the Black Eyed Susan's that line our walk way. So, I got out this little white chair that we all played on when we were kids and before we knew it, I'd taken about a million pictures of Madison. I need to find that picture so I can show you. Anyway, Madison's mom and myself have been saying for a couple of weeks that we need to bring Layken(Madison's baby sister) to the house and put her in front of those flowers before summer fads and we've missed the chance. Well, we got to do that very thing this evening. Of course once you get me started, I can't stop shooting and we ended up having a full blown session out in the yard. I love days like these.


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