Saturday, 23 May 2009

I don't even know where to start!

This evenings session was so, so great. Yesterday, I woke up with a cold that made me sound like I swallowed a frog. No lie, my voice has sounded very funny the past couple of days. I wondered how much that would scare the kids I had a session with this evening. Turns out, it didn't bother them one bit. Actually, these girls showed up and taught me a few things about modeling. ;) They were both relaxed and eager. In fact, Ms. Abbey fell asleep on the way to our session and woke up ready to go( I don't now about you, but I don't enjoy having to wake up from naps early), and Cara was more than happy to get the ball rolling. They really were a blast to photograph, and I know ice cream was promised to them after their session, but I think they'd done it even without the frozen, creamy concoction.


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