It's just right there, around that corner, that bend in the track.
While editing pictures this morning I came across this image and now I keep coming back to it over and over and over.
Someone on the phone today was talking about how their daughter was feeling kind of overwhelmed with all the decision making you seniors have to make during these last few months and weeks of school. I remember those days. I remember those emotions that build around this time of year. I remember the excitement, the sadness, the fear, all the big decisions you have to make, all the things you have to get in order and the day you actually feel like you've grown up(well, maybe not so much in my case).
The day I graduated high school, I remember crying.......... a lot. A very, very wise man, who I called Dad, said to me. "This is not the end. It never really ends. You've done this and now you'll go out and do something else." Even as I write that, I can hear his voice and it still gives me chills and it still calms me and it still excites me. At monumental moments in my life, college graduation and graduating from photography school, I've whispered those words to myself because he's no longer here to do that for me. I'm glad I have them, and I just wanted to share those words with all of you seniors that I have had the pleasure of meeting so far this year. ( Trust me class of 2009, I've grown right there with you). I found this quote and I liked it a lot : "There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises." Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning. " ~Orrin Hatch
These are big days and they are full of big emotions. I promise you it's just as great there on the other side. Do things change? Yes, but don't they always? Good things are ahead. It's not the end. It never really ends. ;)
Someone on the phone today was talking about how their daughter was feeling kind of overwhelmed with all the decision making you seniors have to make during these last few months and weeks of school. I remember those days. I remember those emotions that build around this time of year. I remember the excitement, the sadness, the fear, all the big decisions you have to make, all the things you have to get in order and the day you actually feel like you've grown up(well, maybe not so much in my case).
The day I graduated high school, I remember crying.......... a lot. A very, very wise man, who I called Dad, said to me. "This is not the end. It never really ends. You've done this and now you'll go out and do something else." Even as I write that, I can hear his voice and it still gives me chills and it still calms me and it still excites me. At monumental moments in my life, college graduation and graduating from photography school, I've whispered those words to myself because he's no longer here to do that for me. I'm glad I have them, and I just wanted to share those words with all of you seniors that I have had the pleasure of meeting so far this year. ( Trust me class of 2009, I've grown right there with you). I found this quote and I liked it a lot : "There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises." Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning. " ~Orrin Hatch
These are big days and they are full of big emotions. I promise you it's just as great there on the other side. Do things change? Yes, but don't they always? Good things are ahead. It's not the end. It never really ends. ;)
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